I hope this finds you well. I don’t know about you, but I’m excited about the World Cup and getting behind England in the next few weeks. What did you think of the team selection earlier this week? I wonder if the players are as good at selling themselves off the field? I came across [...]
Happy Valentines Day!
Hello I wouldn’t be ‘keeping in touch’ properly if you didn’t receive a Valentine’s message from me. Happy Valentine’s Day! Last year I asked the question how much you love your clients and offered some ideas. ….Love you; love you not……. how much do you love yourself? I’ve just read this great book, http://goo.gl/njZu5O which [...]
Bring out the gloves!
I think those bonus ‘summer’ days are gone for good now. Autumn is a good time to knuckle down and set your goals and targets for the rest of the year. If one of those goals is doing something for the greater good, Global Giving outlines UK charities and projects that need support. Either way, [...]
Spring has sprung!
There were a few sunny days in May – although if you blinked you might have missed them. Sunny days are great for renewing energy and inspiring us to do a bit de-cluttering. If you’re interested, I have a quick exercise that can help you focus on clearing your mind and focus on the next [...]
How much do you love your customers?
Click here for some tips on how to show your appreciation.
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Make 2013 a great year
Closing out 2012
As 2012 comes to a close and you start focussing on 2013, it will help to clear the old year out before moving to the next one. Try this exercise either in your office or in front of the fire with a glass of wine. It is designed to be a helpful review of the [...]
Autumn Events and Competition Winners!
Click here to read the newsletter.
The Fun Factor
We all have things we don’t like to do. Check out how researchers have taken a mundane task and made it more appealing. Enjoy!